Behind the scenes
A glimpse inside my creative process, free art tutorials, and sneak previews from my illustration studio in Portland, Oregon.
Top 5 Art Instruction Books
I love to learn, and I love books! That’s why I am sharing my top picks for art learning books for adults. Topics include: sketching, pen and ink, lettering and calligraphy, watercolor, and art business. Include links to purchase.
Making ink from plants
I am infatuated with ink. Some people collect baseball cards or figurines. I collect ink. Recently, I learned how to make it myself. And now, I am sharing it with you!
The Affirmations Collection
For the past several years, I have been exploring my relationship with my inner dialog, a voice that is oftentimes more critical than supportive. Can you relate?
My Neurotransmitter Constellations
The story behind my Neurotransmitter Constellations collection. Created in liquid watercolor, handmade oak gall ink, and hand-lettered calligraphy. Topics: love, family, anxiety, chronic illness, and the following of dreams despite it all.
Unfurling: Five tips for starting art school in your 40’s or better
The story of how I decided to go to art school in my mid-40’s, and five tips from my experience.